Friday, October 5, 2007

What’s so good about you?

Have you ever had what felt like a Godly anger? Now I mean something that really made you mad but had nothing to do with you. I can’t help but get completely angered at the way some “Christians think”. Let me explain, I meet people all the time who brag of their commitment when it comes to attending Sunday morning services. It feels like our Christian society is similar to the military, the longer you serve the more pull you have. Well hears a thought……..I wonder if the way “seasoned” Christians hold on to their agenda is influencing the un-churched to hold on to their opinion. What opinion? You ask. Well I’ll Blog about two of my opinions….

1. That nothing the Church has to offer will be relevant for my life.

Well let’s walk through what I believe to be what the “un-churched” experience in many services each Sunday. Hi my name is lost, when I drove up to that beautiful building this Sunday boy was I scared, I had never been inside a Church before. I wanted nothing more than to drive away but I figured I would give it one shot. When I was walking through the parking lot every one was so nice to each other I wonder why they never said hi to me. The truth is from the moment I got out of my car to the moment I sat in the pew a few people said hi but I could tell they were just going through the actions they didn’t really care about me. And than it happened, music I have never heard, clapping which I have never done and I guess raising your hands is something cool to do. The worst part was when this announcement guy asked all the new people to stand. I tried to sit but I was the only new person so I had no choice. It actually seemed like I was the only new person they had seen in years. Anyways, the preacher started talking…and I’ll can’t remember what he said something about the Greek word……….well I forgot. He was talking about all these people in the Bible that all seemed to be relatives and he kept calling me a saint…….I’m a Patriots fan not a Saints fan. If I was one of them I’m sure I would have understood. After my three hours were up I gave no one a chance to say anything to me because I ran out.

You might think I’m exaggerating but the truth is I’m being modest. The world is looking for a place they can relate to environmentally and grow in God relevantly. We don’t have to judge them with our words…..our Christian stations do it well enough with all our gold furniture and three piece suits. Not to mention the hair styles. I feel threatened turning on the T.V. unless I’m on my way to a wedding. What if we acted like the world didn’t know Jesus and are job was to introduce them to him. What if we cared less about the carpet and more about their shoes, What if we cared less about losing tithes and more about lost souls, What if our goal as a Church body was less about asking God to show up so we can experience him and more about asking others to show up so they can know him. What if our agenda didn’t matter and only Gods did…..I think lost would be found.

2nd opinion next blog....stay tuned


Clif McKinley said...

This is a good start, hopefully all the "Rock Stars" you know will get to read all your rantings!!!!!! Nice Work.

chadster said...

Hey Josh, LOve your stuff. Ranting can be so fun! I have no doubt that you have a gift for reaching the lost. I see it every week. I often wonder what happens when people become saved too. I haven't come up with any answers, but I do get a few ideas from time to time. I try not to get too angry about it (watching my blood pressure). It has been my belief that balance is frequently a missing ingredient in the church.
Balancing comfort with challenge, balancing care for others with care for ourselves, balancing evangelism to the lost with edification of the saved, balancing
words of challenge with acceptance of people who and where they are, balancing ministry to each different demographic group, balancing staying relevant to the world and living apart from the worldly. I could go on and on. I guess as beleivers we all struggle with putting too much emphasis on our areas of gifting or comfort zones. I think your blog is great!
I would love to see a discussion board get set up for NLC too.